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We work closely with the client’s project design engineers, planners and surveyors to ensure open lines of communication and to help keep the ball rolling toward the finish line. ERS helps facilitate government agency (County, EPC, SWFWMD, SFWMD, SJRWMD, FDEP, USACE, FFWCC, USFWS, EPA, etc.) reviews and helps clients meet or exceed their project’s budget and schedule expectations.
Yes, we offer environmental assessments for natural resources (wetlands and wildlife) to identify permitting constraints and support applications for ERP and 404 Dredge and Fill permits and FWC/FWS protected wildlife relocations or incidental take permits. ERS has 29 years of Florida-based experience and is a Certified Ecologist, Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent and Registered Burrowing Owl Agent. ERS does not provide Phase I/II environmental site assessments for contaminated soils, geotechnical services, cultural resource services or professional land surveyor services.
Environmental Recon Services has 29 years of Florida-based experience in all phases of environmental permitting, from initial listed species surveys, wetland delineations and land use mapping to providing environmental supplements and reports, wetland impact and mitigation UMAM assessments and environmental support for ERP and 404 Dredge and Fill permit applications.
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